Parent Meeting for Students of Concern (Y12 & Y13)

If your ward had a grade of 3 or less in the end of semester examination for the summative assessment, you will be invited for a meeting to discuss your ward’s performance and how best we can support your ward. In addition, parents will be invited to discuss the status of their ward’s internal assessments for the Diploma Programme.

Registration of Candidates (Y12)

Students in Year 12 will be required to fill a pre-registration form and submit the data page of their passports for the official registration of their May 2024 examination session. Please ensure that your ward’s passport has not expired, and if there is going to be a change or addition to your ward’s name, kindly notify us with supporting documentation.

Mock Examination (Y13)

The Year 13 Mock examination will commence fromMonday, February 27, 2023, and continue till Friday, March 10, 2023. During this period, students are encouraged to be punctual to the examination hall and be seated 15 minutes before the commencement of each examination. The protocols for the official IB examination will be adhered to with respect to timings of papers, access arrangements, notice to candidates and actions that are considered as academic misconduct. Students must comply with all examination rules and regulations, or have their papers cancelled if they are found in breach of these regulations. The timetable for the examination will be shared on managebac before the end of the week.

Notice to candidates

Academic Misconduct

Students who are absent during the examination period for any reason including health conditions will not have the opportunity to reseat the mock examination. This is in accordance with the May 2023 examination regulations.

Once an examination is over, you may pick up your ward immediately or have them study at school till closing. If your ward does not have an examination on a particular day, they are permitted to study from home. 

Please note that after the examinations, Year 13 students will resume work on their internal assessments on the last day of the mock examination, March 10, 2023. If your ward does not have a paper on the last day of the mock examination, they are expected to attend school to complete their IAs.

Finally, we humbly appeal to all parents to support us from home by removing any distractions that may adversely impact your wards independent study time. 

Extended Lessons for Y13

Students in Year 13 will have extended lessons till 4:00 pm from Monday, January 23, 2023 to Friday, February 17, 2023, to cover the syllabus for all subjects. In addition to this, they will be required to attend school on some Saturdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm including those dates listed below:

  • January 28, 2023 (Physics)
  • February 4, 2023 (Biology)
  • February 11, 2023 (Maths)
  • February 18, 2023 (Chemistry)

Kindly take note of these dates and the change in closing times for Year 13 so that you can arrange for transportation for your wards. We will appreciate the support of all parents in ensuring that your wards are present to attend these mandatory lessons. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. On Saturdays, the students should arrive at least 10 minutes before time to settle down.

Virtual Meeting with Y13 Parents

DP & CP coordinators would like to request the presence of all Year 13 parents at a zoom meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 12:30 pm on zoom for some important information as students prepare for their final examinations. The meeting will last from 12:30 – 1:15 pm, and we look forward to meeting you. On Monday, the meeting link will be shared with all Year 13 parents.

Bootcamp for Y13

In preparation for the May 2023 DP/CP examination session, ARIS will organize an intensive revision session for students in Year 13. This Bootcamp will kick-off from April 3 – 9, 2023. Parents will be required to make some financial commitment to this intensive revision session. Kindly note that details will be provided in the coming weeks.

Class Trip for Y13

Usually, after every mock examination, the year 13 students embark on a one-night / two-night trip with their programme coordinators to de-stress and prepare for their May 2023 official examinations. We are planning a trip in March for the year 13 students and we hope to give you an update before the end of January. We humbly request that all parents encourage their wards to attend this trip as it will be their final one as a class.