Dear PYP Parents,

Happy New Year to the ARIS Community! Wishing you an excellent 2023.

We are halfway through the school academic year; let us pause and reflect on our learners’ progress. Our learning doesn’t stop, and reflection makes us more determined to provide challenging and creative learning opportunities. 

This year our goal is “To redesign our systems to optimise learning and wellbeing through reflection and action.”

Best Regards, The PYP Team

Calendar Updates

3 February 2023: Coffee Morning

10 February 2023: ARISVERSITY Module 4

13 February 2023: ARIS GOT TALENT (PYP Years 3-6)

14 February 2023: No School ARIS Wellbeing Day

2nd Semester Reminders       

How many IB Profiles Traits Are There?

Profile of the Month-Risk Taker

Each month, we choose a different attribute to focus on for the month. 

February  is all about being RIsktakers

The IB Learner Profile aims to develop students who are risk-takers. Students who are risk-takers can approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought. They have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. Risk-takers are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.

 How can parents help develop students who are Risk Takers at home? 

  • If your child is feeling uneasy about trying something, encourage them to attempt it and have them reflect on how it felt.
  • Set short-term goals. Consider activities that push your child out of their comfort zone. Encourage them to offer their opinion, learn a new activity, try a different food, learn a new game or even spend time with someone they don’t usually spend time with.
  • Explain the difference between being a risk-taker (trying new things) and engaging in dangerous activities.
  • Ask, “What’s the hard part?” to identify the challenge and brainstorm ways to fix it.

Please send us photos of your child being a risk-taker. 

Parent Unit 4 Overview Update

Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:


