MYP Highlights (Sep 22)

By MYP Coordinator September 2022

Curriculum Approach- What Makes MYP Different?

Parents of students in the Middle Years Programme may wonder, “What makes MYP different?”.  MYP students develop their knowledge and skills by studying eight subject groups in global contexts and participating in interdisciplinary learning. They are involved with service as action; their learning culminates in a student-initiated independent inquiry project. As this year begins, MYP students are connecting their learning with what they have experienced through global context, which can be real-life problems, situations, events and circumstances. The students are found developing their knowledge, skills, and conceptual understanding while exploring new concepts collaboratively.

Curriculum Changes- 2022

The IB has reviewed the design of the Middle Years Programme  (MYP) to provide a structure that enables students to succeed in further IB studies while also facilitating schools in combining the MYP with the requirements of national/state systems. The new design creates an innovative, concept-based and appropriately assessed program. Towards the program, teachers have started revising the course outlines to fulfil the national requirements and keep up to date with the new changes in the IB. The transition to the new changes will be gradual.

Personal Project for MYP5  

MYP grade 11 students have started exploring an area of personal interest. They will work with a supervisor over an extended period. The personal project journey allowed them to consolidate their learning and develop essential skills they’ll need in further education and life beyond the classroom; projects link closely to the Approaches to Learning (ATLs) which include research, social, thinking, communication, and self-management skills.

The projects are as exciting and as varied as our students– including making a miniature sustainable home, a first aid website, starting a business, and baking vegan cookies. Of course, the culminating point of the personal project would be a presentation to the parents and mentors. We are proud of how well our students have started working on their learning and product goals.

MYP e-Assessments important date to remember. 

The school has started E-assessment registration for students of MYP5. Through e-Assessments, students have the opportunity not only to receive global recognition but also get their work assessed against global standards. In addition, these assessments will help students understand the demands of the Diploma Programme and will allow them to use the results and grades as feedback on their learning and guidance for future subject selection in the DP. The registration period will end on 25th Sep 2022.

Professional Development for the Staff

Education is a never-ending process. It does not stop even after earning degrees and starting a career. Through its continuing education and development for its teachers, ARIS sends teachers to IB-certified professional development workshops. We believe that career-minded individuals can constantly improve their skills and become more proficient in their jobs through continuing education. We endeavour to fulfil all the stipulated professional development requirements of the International Baccalaureate.

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