Dear PYP Parents,

We welcome you to our monthly PYP Newsletter for the academic year of 2022-2023. The PYP Newsletter is filled with helpful information regarding ARIS’s PYP (Primary Years Program). 

Here is what you need to know for November and December 2023:

Calendar Updates 

16th November 2022: PYP 3-Way Conference

25th November 2022: EYP, Year 1 & 2 Sports Day

25th November 2022: ARISVERSITY Module 3

2nd December 2022: Festival of Hope concert Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

12th-16th December 2022: The Giving Week

14th December 2022: Christmas Concert EYP, Years 1 & 2

15th December 2022: PYP Awards Ceremony 

16th December 2022: End of semester one.

Profile of the MonthInquirer

Each month, we choose a different attribute to focus on for the month. 

November is all about being Inquirers

What does inquiry look like in a PYP Classroom and at home?

 An inquirer shows a natural curiosity and seeks out answers to questions. 

According to the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program ( IB-PYP), inquirers nurture their curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. 

Inquirers learn independently and with others showing enthusiasm and sustaining their love of learning throughout life. 

 How can parents help to promote inquiry at home? 

  •  Encourage your child to read newspaper articles and borrow books from the library which have their focus on the unit of inquiry. 
  • Show great enthusiasm when you find your child inquiring about a new concept. 
  •  Model being an Inquirer.
  •  Seek the answers by researching with your child rather than simply telling what you already know. 
  •  Use the internet together with your child to explore new ideas and information. 
  •  Explore practical use of math concepts in real-life situations: for example, the use of percentages in price tags, the use of decimals in money and the use of weight in different products available in the market. 

Did you know?

Raz  My imath   Khan Academy

These are the platforms we use to support student learning.  Students can practice at home by logging into their accounts.

Parent Unit 2 Overview Update

Year 1:

Year 2:


