Secondary Highlights (Nov/Dec 23)


In the journey of life, the best companions are those who inspire us to see the unseen, empower us to reach new heights, and join hands with us to transform our dreams into reality. As we mark the 20th anniversary of ARIS, we celebrate this very ethos – ‘Inspire, Empower, and Transform to Design Our Future Together.’ This theme not only echoes through our corridors but also resonates deeply within the heart of our vibrant community.

As we step into the festive months of November and December, the twinkling lights remind us of the warmth and light each member of our family adds to Al-Rayan International School. 

This year is particularly special as we celebrate our 20th anniversary – two decades filled with growth, learning, and dreams achieved together. 

This milestone is a reflection of the enduring trust, support, and encouragement you, our dear parents and guardians, have generously shared with us. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

This newsletter brings you our November and December highlights and important information for you to know. 

From October 24th to 26th, our students from Year 7 to Year 9 engaged in the MAP Growth test. Recognized for its reliability and innovation, the MAP Growth test provides a comprehensive assessment of each student’s progress in key academic areas: math, reading, language usage, and science.

Below, you will find the class-wise achievement data for our secondary school. This data is presented alongside the National Average, which represents the average scores of students in the United States who have taken the same test. This comparison allows us to understand how our students are performing in relation to a broader, national benchmark.

It’s important to note that the National Average offers a valuable point of reference but is just one of the many indicators we use to assess and support our students’ learning journey. By comparing our class averages to this national standard, we gain insights into our students’ academic standing on a wider scale, while also recognizing the unique educational journey of each student.

Year 7Class Average 206.3219.5216.7
National Average204215210
Year 8Class Average 211229.9219.8
National Average207220214
Year 9Class Average 213.5230.7223.8
National Average210225218

 Individual students’ reports will be posted via Managebac by 15th November 2023. Kindly check your child’s Portfolio section. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the parents of Year 7A, 9A, and 11A & 11B for their remarkable 100% attendance at our recent Student-Led 3-Way Conferences. Your presence and encouragement play a pivotal role in motivating our students.

These conferences are more than just presentations; they are a commitment to goals and promises made by each student in your presence. Witnessing your child articulate their learning journey, reflect on their progress, and set future objectives is a testament to their growing self-management and communication skills. Your involvement as parents in this process is invaluable and deeply appreciated.

Together, we are nurturing confident, reflective, and action-oriented students. Thank you for being an integral part of this empowering educational experience.

236 students presented their learning journey to their parents.

224 students (94.9%) were able to communicate their challenges in their learning journey, which helped 223 parents (94.4%) have a better understanding of how to support their children at home.

231 parents (97.8%) voted their child’s presentation to be well-structured and 156 parents (66.1%) found it unnecessary to meet their child’s teachers.

219 parents (92.7%) voted the 3way conference to be well organised and it should continue as a practice at ARIS.

16th November 23: Financial Literacy day. 

In partnership with the Parent-Student Association (PSA), we are excited to announce a Financial Literacy Day for our secondary teachers and students. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our Maths Department and the PSA for their invaluable contributions in bringing this event to life. Their dedication and collaboration are key to providing this enriching educational experience.

20th November to 30th November: End of Semester 1 assessment 

This is the period of all summative assessments for all classes.  Kindly check the Coordinators page for more details.

1st December 2023:  A National Holiday .  The school will remain closed. 

5th December 2023: Free Dental Check up for students. 

4th December 2023: Spirit Week event organised by SRC.

11-15 December: The Giving Week.

13th December 2023: Fitness and Mindfullness Day. The theme is “promoting a bright future through fitness and mindfulness”. 

15th December 2023: SRC led End of Semester assembly and class party. School ends at 12.30 am . 

 16th December to 10th January: Break .

11th January 2023:  School resumes. 

 Have a wonderful break with Family and Friends.  Our Next newsletter will be in your inbox in January 2024.