IBDP Highlights (SEP/OCT 24)

Registration for the May 2025 examination session is in progress for DP and CP students in Year 13. Please inform your wards to fill out the pre-registration form and submit a copy of the data page of their passports to the DP coordinator. It is important that students fill out this form accurately with their personal details, subjects and levels. Click the link above to access the form and make a copy and fill it out.

However, in order for your ward to avoid late registration with a penalty for the May 2025 examination session, they need to meet the following requirements for the submission of their extended essay:

Sept 6, 2024 – the first 2,500 words must be submitted to the DP coordinator and respective EE supervisor through Google Docs. Notifications will be sent to parents for students who are tardy.

Sept 13, 2024 – first complete draft of 3,500 – 4,000 words should be uploaded on ManageBac with in-text citations and bibliography (Poor quality work will not be considered as a submission, so please check-in with your EE supervisor to ensure that you are on track).

Please note that if your ward does not fulfil all these requirements by the deadline above, they will be registered late with a penalty fee. We, therefore, encourage all parents to ensure that their wards are managing their time effectively at home, and remove all distractions to support their wards to meet upcoming deadlines.

Students in Years 12 and 13 will be assessed on the units that they have completed. These assessments will be conducted from October 7 – 11, 2024 before the mid-semester break. Parents are encouraged to ensure that their wards are constantly revising topics taught in class to enable them to prepare adequately for these assessments. Students who absent themselves during these assessments may not get another opportunity to sit for the assessment if they do not have evidence to support their absenteeism e.g. a medical report for sickness etc. 

To ensure that students cover the curriculum and have adequate time for practice, students taking Mathematics, Physics, Business Management and Chemistry will be required to attend Saturday lessons on specific days. The schedule will be available through managebac before the end of the week. 

As part of the core component of the IB Diploma Programme, students are required to take on meaningful and impactful CAS projects that will positively transform communities and groups. In this month of September, we would like to acknowledge Calvyn Roman Robert Vermeersch, Douae Kattah, Faten Essam Odaymat.

The goal of this project is to raise awareness on important global issues among Year 10 and 11 students during their well-being classes. Each week, a new topic will be selected for a short, interactive, and collaborative presentation. The aim is to engage students in meaningful discussions, assess their understanding of these issues, and explore their thoughts and perspectives. This initiative will help develop new skills, such as presentation and classroom management, while addressing ethical considerations as students share diverse viewpoints on complex topics. The project seeks to persevere through challenges and ensure consistent progress to achieve meaningful outcomes.