MYP Highlights (SEP/OCT 24)

We are calling on all parents to contribute to the learning journey of all students by completing this Google form to share details about their field of specialization and willingness to be guest speakers or hosts for field trips in their various places of work.

All MYP students must bring the following items to school everyday to facilitate classroom activities and prevent unnecessary disruptions. Parents are advised to ensure their wards charge their devices before school to be ready for the first lessons of the day.

  • Laptop Device 
  • Charger 
  • Wired Headphone

In MYP 1-3, students are exploring why their current lessons are important and how they apply to the real world. As part of this journey, they are also investigating the Global Contexts that shape their units. We encourage parents to actively support their child’s learning journey, as students may need additional guidance at home for certain tasks, such as:

  • Math Lessons: Students will be tracking their personal use of energy, food wastage, and water consumption over a week. They may need extra tools, such as a weighing scale or a timer, to help measure and record their usage.
  • P.H.E Lessons: Students will also be monitoring their eating habits by keeping a detailed list of all foods consumed over a week. This will help them reflect on their nutrition and understand the connection between food choices and health.

Your involvement can greatly enhance their understanding of these concepts and help them make meaningful connections to real-world issues like sustainability and well-being. Thank you for your continued support!

Toddle is a new platform for everyone so it is crucial for parents to know how best to support their children. We got feedback from parents on challenges they face with knowing what should be done and what should not be done at home. The picture below was shared with parents during the open house. It shows that parents should only bother about any task titled ‘homework’.

These computer-based assessments are designed to measure student progress in areas like Math, Reading, and Language Usage. MAP tests are adaptive, meaning the difficulty of questions adjusts based on student responses, ensuring a personalised assessment of each student’s strengths and areas for improvement.

The results help teachers understand where each student is academically, allowing for more targeted instruction to meet individual learning needs. We encourage parents to support their children by ensuring they get a good night’s rest before testing days and encouraging them to do their best.

The MAP Growth test for this semester will take place on the 26th and 27th of September.

26th September- Two tests will be taken; Reading and English Language Usage

27th September- Mathematics.

Summative assessments for MYP 4-5 will start somewhere from the end of September towards the middle of October 2024. Students will be required to download Assessprep on their Macbooks or S.E.B app for other devices. This will enable them to take tests easily. Parents should also avoid fixing medical or visa appointments during this time. The mid semester schedule is here.

The MYP 5 students already completed their first workshop where they looked at the requirements for personal projects and rubrics for the first part of their reports. They also completed the second whole day workshop on the 11th of September 2024. They are now expected to complete a report for criterion A & Bi, complete their product goal and meet their supervisors to record 2 official meetings.