PLD Highlights (SEP/OCT 24)

Greetings from the PLD Department.

We are thrilled to announce that the PLD department has expanded this 2024/25 academic session. We welcomed 10 new staff who bring a wealth of experience and passion for personalised learning support. We believe their contributions and impact will greatly enhance  our support services and foster a positive learning environment for all.

As we begin this new academic session the  Secondary Inclusion  Week that is usually held in semester two in April will now hold this semester before the mid-semester break.  More details will be shared shortly.

As we begin a new academic session here are a few tips  to help start the semester on a high note are:

For parents

  • Ensure there is open communication between you and the school with regards to your child’s strengths, challenges and  specific needs.
  • Set realistic goals for your child that will challenge them but not intimidate them.
  • Create routines to help them get back into school mode after a long holiday.
  • Monitor their stress levels because the semester will get more challenging as  it progresses.
  • Above all, stay positive and expect the best for your child/ward.

For students

  • Embrace your uniqueness.
  • Set personal goals and don’t be afraid to ask for help to let your parents and teachers  know how they can help you achieve them.
  • Give yourself a break when you feel overwhelmed and practice mindfulness.
  • Make sure you take part in an extracurricular activity.
  • Above all, stay positive, focus on building your strengths and strategies that work for you, so you can have a successful school year.