Primary Highlights (SEP/OCT 24) 

Dear PYP Parents,

We welcome you to our first PYP Newsletter for the academic year of 2024-25. We hope this newsletter finds you well and excited for the new academic year as we embark on an exciting journey. Our theme for this academic year is Enriching and Empowering learning by creating an educational environment that not only provides students with academic knowledge but also equips them with the skills, values, and experiences necessary to thrive. It involves fostering a culture where students are encouraged to explore, innovate, and grow both intellectually and personally. 

In  PYP,  we strive to develop international-minded learners by instilling in our students the attributes of the IB Learner Profile; to understand them and make a difference within our school and our community. 

Thank you to all our families for your continued support. We are looking forward to a fantastic school year filled with learning, growth, and fun.

Best Regards,

The PYP Team

Head of Primary School: Evon Mattouk

PYP coordinator: Ayorkor Dua

Early Year Coordinator: Shilpa Rastoji

Curriculum Leader: Charity Mensah

Instructional Coach: Ruba Abi Saab

Wellbeing Lead: Samuel Panti

Personalized Learning Support Department Coordinator: Francine Richards

23 September 2024: No School – Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day

26 September: ARISVERSITY Module 1

28 September 2024: ARISVERSITY Module 1 for registered parents

27 September 2024: Coffee Morning

11 October 2024: PYP Investiture

14-18 October 2024: MidTerm Break

24 October: ARISVERSITY Module 2 for registered parents

21 October-6 November: MAP TEST

28 October-4 November: Literacy Week

30 October: 3 Way Conference

Drop Off and Pick Up:  We appreciate your support regarding dropping off and picking up students on time. In case of an emergency, kindly call our front office and inform them of the reason. 

Drop off for students in Playgroup, Nursery, Reception, and Years 1 and 2 is at 7:25 AM Students must not be left with older siblings; they must be accompanied by an adult.

Our ARIS team will be on duty starting at 7:25 AM, ready to welcome your children.

Our office is open from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM

We start our Homeroom at 7:45 AM 

If your child participates in extracurricular activities, their pick-up time is 4:20 PM

Timetables platform activated on Toddle: you can now view your child’s Daily timetable.

Submit excusal messages if your child is absent or late.

For any challenges on Toddle, contact Madam Nausheen: 

We will continue to use Live school tool to improve our school culture and manage behaviours. All students, Year 1 to 6,  have Liveschool accounts to monitor their personal and house points. Parents will receive weekly Recap emails. Recaps are weekly summaries of your child’s Points data.

School Supplies: Please ensure that your child has all the necessary school supplies for their daily learning.

Healthy Habits: Encourage your child to maintain healthy habits, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep, to support their overall well-being and academic performance.

Lost and Found: Encourage your kids to regularly check the lost and found area for misplaced items. 

Do not send food in glass containers. 

“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” Ernest Holmes

At ARIS, we foster a culture that values collaborative problem-solving, along with critical and creative thinking. The “Thinkers” attribute represents learners who skillfully navigate challenges by exploring various solutions. These individuals are capable of addressing issues both independently and in teams, while anticipating the possible outcomes of their decisions. Thinkers make informed choices and excel in creative and critical thought, enhancing their overall learning experience.

PYP parent resources from the IB.

PYP Parent PACKProvides information about frequently asked questions about the Primary Years Programme