Dear PYP Parents,

We welcome you to our first monthly PYP Newsletter for the academic year of 2022-23.

The PYP Newsletter is filled with helpful information regarding ARIS’s PYP (Primary Years Program). 

In  PYP,  we strive to develop international-minded learners by instilling in our students the attributes of the IB Learner Profile; to understand them and make a difference within our school and our community. 

This year our goal is “To redesign our systems to optimise learning and wellbeing through reflection and action.”

Best Regards,

The PYP Team

Calendar Updates 

17th > 21st October 2022: Mid-Semester Break– Enjoy your break!

24th > 28th October 2022: Mathketeers Week- Mathketeers is a week-long celebration of Maths! It allows students to enjoy the wonders of mathematics, which are many! 

28th October 2022: ARISVERSITY Module 2

31st October: Stand up to Bullying Week– During this week, we call upon our school community to recognize and acknowledge the universal need for belonging and the role we play in supporting belonging in our classrooms, hallways, playground and campus.

Daily Schedule

Drop Off and Pick Up:  We appreciate your support regarding dropping off and picking up  students on time.  In case of an emergency, kindly call our front office and inform them of the reason.  

Our office is open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

We start our Homeroom at 7:45 am 

We close our day at 3:15 pm

If your child participates in extracurricular activities, their pick-up time is 4:25 pm. 

Toddle Updates

Timetables platform activated on Toddle: you can now view your child’s Daily timetable.

Submit excusal messages if your child is absent or late.

For any challenges on Toddle, contact Madam Nausheen: 

Profile of the Month– Well Balanced

Each month, we choose a different attribute to focus on for the month. 

October is all about being balanced. 

Balanced means we understand the importance of our intellectual, emotional, social, and physical well-being. We understand that our brains, bodies, and hearts are all important to staying happy and healthy. 

Here are a few ways to help your child stay balanced at home:

  1.  Encourage participation in structured activities through the school or local community. 
  2. Be aware of the free time activities your child is engaged in. Be mindful of the time spent watching television or on the computer, tablet, or personal devices. 
  3. Try to ensure your child has quiet time every night and spends time reading and reflecting.
  4. Daily exercise is essential, especially if your child spends a lot of time on the computer, drawing, or reading.
  5. Help your child learn to keep track of upcoming assignments in school to help teach them the importance of time management.
  6. Create a chore chart at home to help teach personal responsibility.
  7. Allow your child to participate in meal planning and discuss food groups. This helps children understand the importance of a well-balanced diet. Model a balanced lifestyle and make time for family activities. 

EdTech Tools

  • Raz 
  • My iMath  
  • Khan Academy

These are the platforms we use to support student learning.  Students can practice at home by logging into their accounts.

Parent Unit 1 Overview

Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:


