We are pleased to share that our IBCP students now have an option to pursue their tertiary education in Lancaster University Ghana. A confirmation e-mail to this news was shared by the Provost of the University.

Please find below the Lancaster minimum entry criteria for the IBCP:

Applicants should have three full subjects equivalent in size to A level. So, based on the courses offered at that particular institution, we’d ask for one of the following:

  1. Three DP subjects at Higher Level, or 
  2. Two DP subjects at Higher Level plus the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma.

For Law and Computer Science programmes we need the equivalent of ABB at ‘A’ Levels which Lancaster has mapped to 

  1. 3 HL subjects at at least 6.6 or
  2. 2 HL subjects at at least 6.6 plus Merit (BTEC)
  3. 2 HL subjects at 6.5 plus Distinction (BTEC)

For all other programmes we need the equivalent of a minimum of CCC at ‘A’ Levels which Lancaster has mapped to 

  1. 3 HL subjects at at least 5.5 or
  2. 2 HL subjects at at least 5.5 plus Merit (BTEC).
  3. 2 HL subjects at at least 5.4 plus Distinction (BTEC).

Examination Timetable


The end of semester 1 examination session will take place from Monday 20th of November to Thursday 23rd of November. Click here for the CP1 end-of-semester 1 examination timetable.


The end of the semester 1 examination session will take place from Wednesday 20th of November till Tuesday 28 of November. During this period, the Career-related studies classes will continue. They will have classes on Thursday 23rd of November and Friday 24th of November. Wednesday 22nd of November is revision day. Click here for the CP2 end-of-semester 1 examination timetable.

Once an examination is over, you may pick up your ward immediately or have them study at school till closing. If your ward does not have an examination on a particular day, they are permitted to study from home. 

Students are advised to prepare adequately for the examination; Year 12 students are supposed to revise all topics that have been taught this semester, while Year 13 students focus on key topics taught throughout the Diploma Programme. For Year 13s, this examination will serve as a pre-mock examination to identify topic areas that require further support before the actual mock examinations in February 2024. 

While taking the examinations, students are required to adhere to all examination rules and regulations. Students in breach of examination rules will have their papers cancelled with no opportunity for a retake. No borrowing of stationery will be allowed during the examination; therefore, students are strongly advised to come fully prepared with pens, pencils, an eraser and sharpener, calculator with an additional battery in case of any unforeseen circumstance, a maths set and a long rule.

Finally, we humbly appeal to all parents to support us from home by removing any distractions that may adversely impact your ward’s independent study time.  

Students in Year 13 will be attending Maths lessons during vacation from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00p.m from December 18 – 20, 2023. These sessions have been put in place to ensure that students cover more aspects of the syllabus early to give them adequate time for revision. Please ensure that your ward attends these sessions and kindly provide enough snacks for them as they will not be allowed to order food from outside. As such, students will have access to the fridge and microwaves in school.

Practical Experience

Internships and hands-on experiences are important components of the IBCP that help students experience the practical aspects of what they are studying in their career-related studies. They allow students to explore the career path that they have chosen and familiarise themselves with the work environment. This semester, the hospitality students had hotel visits and got experience in front desk operations.

This semester, we have implemented an exciting new practice in which IBCP students showcase their end-of-unit BTEC assessments before a jury. This innovative approach serves a dual purpose: validating the authenticity of students’ work and providing them with an invaluable opportunity to refine their presentation skills.

By presenting their work in front of a jury, students can demonstrate the genuine nature of their achievements. This process adds a layer of credibility to their assessments, showcasing their ability to effectively articulate their knowledge and skills in a real-world context.

Furthermore, this practice offers students a platform to enhance their presentation skills. Public speaking and effective communication are vital abilities that transcend academic boundaries and hold significant value in professional settings. By engaging in this practice, students can develop and polish these essential skills, enabling them to confidently convey their ideas and findings in future academic and professional endeavors.