IBDP Highlights (SEP/OCT 24)

IBDP Examination Registration Registration for the May 2025 examination session is in progress for DP and CP students in Year 13. Please inform your wards to fill out the pre-registration form and submit a copy of the data page of their passports to the DP coordinator. It is important that students fill out this form … Read more

IBDP Newsletter (APR/MAY 24)

IBDP1 Extended Essay Cafe On April 19, 2024 from 2:00 – 4:30pm, students in Year 12 will be delivering presentations on their EE proposals. Through the cafe they will reflect on their RQ and explain the need for the study, the methodology they will use, and the specific kind of secondary sources that will support … Read more

IBDP Newsletter (Nov/Dec 23)

DP/CP End of Unit Assessment The end-of-semester examination will begin on November 20, 2023. Once an examination is over, you may pick up your ward immediately or have them study at school till closing. If your ward does not have an examination on a particular day, they are permitted to study from home.  Please note … Read more

IBDP Highlights (Sep 23)

IBDP Examination Registration Registration for the May 2024 examination session is in progress for DP and CP students in Year 13. Please Inform your wards to fill out the pre-registration form and submit a copy of the data page of their passports to the DP coordinator. It is important that students fill out this form … Read more


Art Exhibition  There will be an Art exhibition on April 12, 2023, as part of the Year 13 internal assessment for all art students. Students’ art exhibition will be opened to the school community after school from 12:00 – 3:00 pm. Parents are warmly invited to the Art Exhibition. Legalisation In some countries, the IB … Read more


Registration of Candidates (Year 12) Students in Year 12 will be required to fill a pre-registration form and submit the data page of their passports for the official registration of their May 2024 examination session. Please ensure that your ward’s passport has not expired, and if there is going to be a change or addition … Read more


Parent Meeting for Students of Concern (Y12 & Y13) If your ward had a grade of 3 or less in the end of semester examination for the summative assessment, you will be invited for a meeting to discuss your ward’s performance and how best we can support your ward. In addition, parents will be invited … Read more


End of Semester Examination Students in Year 12 and 13 will begin writing their End of Semester examination from November 23 till December 1, 2022. Students are advised to bring their own stationery (pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, calculators) to the examination hall because borrowing will not be allowed. During the examination week, students will have … Read more

IBDP Highlights (Sep 22)

By DP Coordinator Assessment in the DP Assessment plays a crucial role in promoting learning and growth in students and in eliciting evidence of learning and tracking progress. The IB’s approach to assessment is that learning, teaching and assessment should effectively inform and support one another. The IB’s vision is that students will benefit from … Read more